Foundation Museum oxford Education UTI Applications „The Rock” award Donation

"Gold is tested by fire"

Our Foundation operates independently of parties, ideologies and churches, and its decision on the award winner is taken unanimously by our impartial Board of Trustees.

The Rock Award is a gold-plated metal plaque, which is presented to the Award winners in a walnut wood gift box along with a certificate. The plaque bears the logo of the 'The Rock' Foundation and a Latin inscription: 'Gold is tested in fire' and 'We have seen it and thus certify'.

Award winners

2023 expand/collapse row
Dr. Kristóf Erdős 2009-2014 researcher at the Committee of National Remembrance, former historian of the Hospital in the Rock Museum contemporary activity
Dr. József Holló retired lieutenant-general 2007-08 former Director General at the Military History Institute and Museum, helped establish the Hospital in the Rock Museum contemporary activity
Dr. Krisztián Ungváry 2019- historian, academic advisor contemporary activity
2022 expand/collapse row
Péter Zsolt Horváth 2012- Deputy Director General of the Hungarian Red Cross contemporary activity
Dr. László Kiss 1944-45 volunteer aidant historical role and eyewitness
Dr. Zsuzsanna Zsindely 1956 volunteer nurse historical role and eyewitness
2021 expand/collapse row
Tamás Dégi 2005- chief engineer contemporary activity
Dr. Gyula Kedves Colonel 2007-08 military historian, head of the Museum of the Parliament contemporary activity
Dr. András Máthé 1956 chief physician historical role
2020 expand/collapse row
Mrs. Zsolt Sigray née Sarolta Szabó 1956 volunteer nurse historical role and eyewitness
Kornél Lobmayer 1956 revolutionary, wounded historical role and eyewitness
Dr. Antal Kálló 1944-45 wounded historical role and eyewitness
Dr. Ágost Sövényházy 1944-45 doctor historical role
Mrs. György Kozma née Irén Petrás 1944-45 volunteer nurse historical role and eyewitness
Márta Szlávik 1956 volunteer nurse historical role
Dr. József Born 1944-45, 1945-48 doctor, founder of Virus Vaccine Production and Research Institute historical role
Dr. Elek Farkas 1945-48 founder of Virus Vaccine Production and Research Institute historical role
Ferenc Novák 1944-45 chief engineer historical role
2019 expand/collapse row
Mrs. István Horthy née Ilona Edelsheim-Gyulai 1944-45 Red Cross nurse historical role
Dr. Kálmán Koppány 1944-45 police officer assigned to the Headquarters of the Buda Air Defense Group, rescuer historical role
Margit Pekáry and Gizella Pekáry 1944-45 Red Cross Nurses historical role
Dr. Mihály Bogárdi 1944-45 wounded historical role and eyewitness
Mrs. Béla Borsos née Katalin Neÿ 1944-45 eyewitness eyewitness
Mrs. Ferenc Sváb née Janka Benkő 1944-45 wounded historical role and eyewitness
Géza Szinger 1944-45 wounded historical role and eyewitness
Dr. Attila Balás 1956 volunteer doctor historical role
Dr. József Lugosi retired Colonel 2007-08 former Director of the Military History Institute and Museum, helped establish the Hospital in the Rock Museum contemporary activity
2018 expand/collapse row
Baroness Mária Waldbott 1944-45 Red Cross nurse, senior assistant historical role
Imre Szentpály-Juhász 1944-45 wounded historical role and eyewitness
Countess Alice Cziráky 1944-45 Red Cross nurse, senior assistant historical role
Miriam Kiefer and her husband Count Endre Csekonics 1944-45 volunteer nurse and voluntary surgical assistant historical role
Jolán Marschek 1944-45 nurse, volunteer nurse historical role and eyewitness
Edit Soltész 1944-45 volunteer nurse historical role and eyewitness
Margit Tarányi 1944-45 Red Cross nurse historical role and eyewitness
György Balogh 1956 wounded historical role and eyewitness
Mrs. István Szabó and István Szabó 1950-60 caretakers historical role and eyewitness
2017 expand/collapse row
Rudolf Ullrich 1960s architect designer historical role and eyewitness
István Bakonyi 1960s architect designer historical role and eyewitness
Dr. Tibor Jánossy 1956 volunteer doctor historical role
Countess Ilona Széchényi 1944-45 chief nurse historical role
Anna Mária Emberovics 1956 volunteer nurse historical role and eyewitness
Anita Van Oldenborgh (Anna Boom) 1944-45 volunteer nurse historical role
Dr. Vida Boros 1956 medical officer of district I. Budapest historical role
Prof. Dr. Endre Mester 1944-45 labour service doctor historical role
Mrs. Imre Mohácsi and Imre Mohácsi 1960-2000s caretakers historical role
2016 expand/collapse row
Countess Ilona Andrássy de Betlér 1944-45 chief nurse of the Hospital in the Rock historical role
Endre Bácskai 1956 revolutionary, wounded historical role and eyewitness
Mrs. Zoltán Báthory née Mária Daróczy 1944-45, 2008- volunteer nurse historical role and eyewitness
Friedrich Born 1944-45 Red Cross delegate in Hungary historical role
Mrs. Károlyi née Gizella Ilona Győry 1956 nurse historical role and eyewitness
Dr. István Kovács, Erzsébet Beszterczey and Ingeborg Skliros 1944-45, 2008- chief physician, nurse and family member historical role and eyewitness
Gábor Rádi 1983- technical manager contemporary activity
Dr. András Seibriger and Erzsébet Seibriger 1944-45, 2008- deputy chief physician and family member historical role and eyewitness
Dr. Gyula Steinert and Dr. Ágota Steinert 1944-45, 2008- doctor and family member historical role and eyewitness